PALO Digital Marketing Updates | Digital Marketing (14)

Optimize Your Digital Advertising with a Google Partner

Key takeaways:

A Certified Google Partner benefits from feedback, specializations, and direct Google connections

Clients benefit from Google product expertise, precise ad targeting, and optimized ROI…no wasted advertising dollars!

Want better ROI...

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Biggest Video Trends for 2017

Redefining the Video Landscape

Key takeaways

  • 2016 was just the beginning of the online video surge
  • More companies are dedicating marketing dollars to video
  • Multi-platform video is the standard for success
  • 360 and aerial videos are the shiny, new...

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5 Reasons We’re Thankful For Digital Marketing

TACOS = Targeting. Analytics. Cost-efficiency. Optimization. Satisfied customers

Because tacos.

Every Thanksgiving, we sit back, eat delicious food, watch some football, and reflect on what we’re most thankful for. Family, good health, and...

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Too Important to Cut

So, you’ve had a search engine optimization plan in place for about a year now and it’s working out well. Your search rankings have improved, you’re getting more website traffic, and you’ve increased your lead generation – the trifecta of a...

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Explore our suite of services and how they can enhance your business. Contact us today to learn more!